May 11, 2012

Babble On, Babylon!

II Timothy 2:16
"But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness."

Sometimes I just can't help myself when I come across articles like the one I'm about to post for your reading pleasure. It reminded me of Scripture that refers to men and their vain babblings. Here's a good look at what takes place when men of "higher education" get together to discuss the fine points of Christianity (of course, I say this tongue in cheek, no pun intended). My focus is on the panel's discussion on the Lord's Prayer and not on the merits of the litigation. Hopefully, you'll understand why I posted this sterling example of journalism. Vive le bon mot!

Is the Lord's Prayer a Christian Prayer?

In Mullin v. Sussex County, Delaware, a U.S. District Court must answer whether the Lord's Prayer is sectarian. Four residents sued the county council for opening meetings with the prayer. The county says it's not Christian "because no Christian tradition existed" when Jesus prayed it. The judge called the case difficult "because there is no reference to Jesus or Allah."

Observers weigh in on whether the Lord's Prayer is a Christian prayer.

"The Lord's Prayer is the Christian prayer. It comes up more than any other text in Christian liturgies since the first century. And its context in Matthew and Luke gives explicitly Christian meanings to terms such as Father and kingdom."

Here's what the expert panel had to say:

Simon Kistemaker, New Testament professor, Reformed Theological Seminary
"It is a Christian prayer. Jesus was certainly influenced [my emphasis] by certain Jewish models of prayer, but he gave it to his disciples specifically. So it's a direct inheritance for us as Christians."

Here, the good professor stated that Christ was influenced, which slyly implies that Jesus was man only, being under the influence of the Middle Eastern culture of His day, rather than being the chief Actor in human culture & destiny (Col. 1:6). Looking at Mr. Kistemaker's alma mater, it makes one wonder what kind of "reformation" his school underwent?

J. Brent Walker, executive director, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty
"You could consider it a prayer for multiple religions, because Jesus is considered to be a rabbi or a great teacher by many of the world's religions. It was not originally delivered as a Christian prayer; it was simply a teacher teaching his disciples a good way to pray."

A prayer for multiple religions? Not a Christian prayer? Jesus simply a teacher (I Jn. 2:4, 19, 22; I Jn. 4:3)? And, Mr. Walker's a Baptist! A Baptist said this! This is a good time as any to kneel and pray for this man!

Clayton Schmit, professor, Fuller Theological Seminary
"The prayer in and of itself does not explicitly espouse the precepts of Christianity. It recognizes God, but does not proselytize a particular religion."

Here's another live one: The prayer does not explicitly espouse Christian precepts (II Tim. 1:13; 3:16; 4:3). Wow! Ladies and gentlemen, take a good look at what the apostasy looks like. If anyone reading this post is from Fuller Theological Seminary, I'd sure like to hear from you 'cause I've got a few questions for you.

Listen, folks, the Word of God is infallible. By reading the comments of these men, it should behoove you to take the Bible seriously, take God at His word and obey Him at all costs. Put no confidence in what men say, including me. That's why I put Scriptural references in my posts, so that you can read for yourself what God's word says. By the way, there's a new feature in this blog. By clicking on the unquoted Scripture, you will be taken to the annotated blog for the actual Bible verses. Or click here to get to the main page: The Annotated WON

So, compare Scripture to Scripture and study it precept upon precept (Isa. 28:9-10). And, no matter what, keep trusting Jesus Christ who is the way, the truth and the life (Jn. 14:6).

A final quote from D. L. Moody, who said, "God sends no one away empty except those who are full of themselves." Avoid the vain babblers at all costs!

The entire discussion can be read at Is the Lord's Prayer A Christian Prayer?

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