"Pray without ceasing."
We are way beyond moral decline; it seems that we don't even bat an eye at the depraved & degenerate actions of men & women around this Nation, whether on tv, the internet or the newspaper. Our economy has been under turmoil as a result of dangerous liberal ideas that place us at the mercy of the money-lenders (Prov. 22:7). The United States military is hamstrung by politicians & diplomats whose idea of compromise reeks of spinelessness. As a Nation, we can't even support Israel in the Middle East conflict. And then there's the ever-increasing assaults against our religious liberty and the Constitution. Finally, there are the thousands of unborn children who are murdered because of the blood-thirsty, godless feminist movement whose de facto headquarters are found in places such as Planned Parenthood.
In times like these, we need a Saviour. In times like these we need the Holy Bible. We need Jesus Christ to return to public & civic life in America. It begins with us Christians. It begins with prayer. And continues with prayer.
Dear, Christian, please continue to pray and beg God for mercy. Stand in the gap and pray without ceasing. Especially pray for the unborn. Pray for the Lord to open the eyes of the women who are making decisions to kill their babies, that they repent from their decision. Also pray for the men and others who are pushing these women to make a decision that they'll have to live with the rest of their lives.
The video below presents incredible in utero images of the miracle of life. No one but no one can deny that life begins at conception. You literally have to look the other way, intellectually speaking, to consider this child "tissue" or a "fetus". The video was made in 2011 or thereabouts and was shown as part of the Sanctity of Life week.
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Ah, if there's one thing I fail at, it's this! I usually live of my own accord and then when everything inevitably falls apart, I start praying! It's so lame! I need to pray without ceasing! Thanks for sharing this, Rodolfo! :)